Casual attitude. Cozy space. Serious results.
My favorite form of self-care starts with a Magical Mat-based Massage.
Rooted in bodywork from Thailand and Japan, Magical Mat-based Massage combines fluid stretches and movements, deep compressions, and intuition to create a massage experience that addresses your aches, pains, and promotes whole body care to get at the source of your soft tissue issues.
We’re creating a partnership to advance your personal care and well-being.
I’ve made a commitment to consistent continuing education, research, and developing personalized maintenance plans that work for you and your lifestyle – whether you’re running with your dog at 6:00am or grinding out just one more level in your favorite role-playing game before you pass out for the night.
What part do you play?
Be proactive with your self-care by investing in yourself! Massage therapy, acupuncture, personal training, video games, tabletop RPGs, retail therapy – whatever fits you best and fills you up.
Don’t forget:
Take that hot Epsom salt bath, stretch those pecs, get up and move around every now and then!

Hi! I’m Page and I love massage therapy and bodywork.
Page Evans, Owner
Licensed Massage Therapist